Amsterdam Dreams Part Deux

If you've been following me on here for a long time dear reader, then you'll know that I am completely and irrevocably in love with The Netherlands. I have been to Amsterdam 3 times in the past 21 months and am again planning my next trip sometime this year. When people ask me what is it about NL that I love so much, I never know where to begin. The list is endless. From their stunning architecture, to their delicious food, to the efficiency of public transport (I know that's weird but it's appreciated considering where I come from) to their history, the art, their love of tulips, the way that everything looks like a magical dream as soon as the sun get the idea. It also helps that each time I've been I've had the most amazing time. So don't be surprised to hear that my third trip there with my bestie Nina was also fucking great. Unfortunately because we didn't land until 5pm on the Saturday, and because it was pitch black and pouring with rain, we didn't take any photos except ones of ourselves posing on the plane and in the bathroom of Cafe Flinck in De Pijp.
(To which I will interject that the food was amazing, but the service, not so much)

Like every other travel blog I've done, I will be writing this like a diary entry which will all be in chronological order. Hope you enjoy!

All photos are mine unless stated 

Plane selfie!

At Cafe Flinck

We stayed in an all women's hostel aptly named Hostelle. The shared showers/toilets/kitchen and bedrooms were honestly so beautiful and clean. I would highly recommend this place to you if you're wanting to save on some money and don't mind sharing and meeting with new people. Here's a couple of photos of Hostelle that aren't mine πŸ’™

So once we'd finished stuffing our faces with burgers and cheesy nachos at Cafe Flinck, we got the metro back to the hostel which saved us so much money and time. We didn't do anything exciting at the hostel once we got back, so we got ready for bed and pretty much passed out with exhaustion after our full day of travel!

Day 2 


In my happy place

After a cheeky lie in and a hop skip and metro trip back to the city, we headed straight to Damrak, took some photos and headed into the sex museum. The first thing that greeted us as we walked in was a couple of mannequins, with actual genitals that robotically wanked each other off? Literally don't know how else to describe that. I took zero photos in this place πŸ˜‚ You will just have to go and see it for yourself in all its *cough* glory. And if you're a bit of a prudish Brit (more prudish than me) then this place maybe isn't for you! But for €5 each for a trip through the most bizarre but hilarious tourist trap we couldn't resist! Especially if you're wanting a photograph of yourself on a giant penis chair πŸ™†


After the museum we went to find a little cafe on the high street for some brunch. Something that I found weird and hilarious was the fact that I was served my tea, as a glass with boiled water and the tea bag unopened in its packet πŸ˜…
I had a vegetarian fry up and Nina had pancakes with banana and chocolate sauce 😍
We then headed straight to Primark (where I got a ridiculous amount of Amsterdam paraphernalia for myself, not for anyone else..a t-shirt, a mug, a tote bag etc)
We continued wandering around the city, admiring the buildings (and participating in some retail therapy) whilst taking lots of photos. The weather wasn't great but that didn't matter πŸ’™


Dam square
Spot the Nina!

Of course after walking for hours we got a bit peckish and decided to stop in a hidden gorgeous cafe for some Poffertjes (tiny Dutch pancakes sprinkled with icing sugar, honestly the most DELICIOUS things in the world ) and had a tea, which again was served as hot water 🀣

Obligatory Poffertje selfie



We headed back out into the city as it was getting dark ⭐

Amsterdam museum

                                                  Amsterdam is so beautiful during twilight.






We headed towards the Red light district to see what was going on 😏 I'd already been the year before for a tattoo, and despite its notoriety it is honestly one of the most beautiful areas of Amsterdam to photograph, especially at night! Observe πŸ™‹


Once we were outta there, we found another cute little place to eat called Prins Heerlijk who did the most delicious burgers and sweet potato fries  🀀


After our food, we headed out to the canal cruises to get on a boat and see the Amsterdam light festival along the canals. It was so beautiful, sitting on the boat with my bestie in the dark for 70 minutes looking at all the stunning sights of the city, and there was an audio description of each piece of art as we went past! Here is an excerpt from their website about the festival:

"Each year, hundreds of submissions are submitted by designers, architects and artists from around the world. A selection committee then chooses 30 artworks which made up the festival’s installations, which in past years have included prominent artists such as Ai Weiwei. The sculptures can be spotted all over Amsterdam city centre for the duration of the festival, illuminating and transforming its familiar monuments in magical and surprising new ways. You can make your own way through the installations, or follow recommended routes for boats, bikes or walking, which allow you to see the festival in its best light."

NEMO Science museum

Peter Snijder

'Light a Wish' by OGE Group
(not my image but the next one is)

Light a Wish

Ivana Jelić & Pavle Petrović
Starry night



By Alicia Eggert

We headed back to the hostel, exhausted and satisfied with how many amazing things we'd managed to fit into one day. Truly an unforgettable experience πŸ’—

Day 3 


The last day was spent visiting the Van Gogh Museum, somewhere I've been wanting to go for years. He has been one of my biggest heroes and inspirations ever since I was young. He was always my favourite artist growing up, and even just being surrounded by his art made me a bit emotional!

Almond blossoms, 1890

Irises 1890

πŸ’š Van Gogh's work was inherited by his nephew Vincent Willem van Gogh. In 1962, Van Gogh's collection was transferred to the state initiated Van Gogh Foundation. The museum was eventually opened in 1973.

The Potato Eaters, 

Vincent and his brother Theo

Self-portrait with bandaged ear, 1889

I don't really know what else to write about our visit to the Van Gogh museum, except that even if you're not particularly into art, it's definitely somewhere you should see whilst in Amsterdam. The building itself is beautiful, and the gift shop was incredible. 

Afterwards, we headed to the Hard rock cafe for lunch. I didn't manage to get any photos of the food this time, but trust me when I say, it was absolutely delicious. We squeezed in a bit of gift shopping for our friends and family, then once it was dark we headed back to the hostel for our suitcases.

Centraal station before heading back to the airport

People always ask me what it is about Amsterdam that I love so much. Until you visit yourself, I don't think I could ever make you understand it. I guess I've tried to encapsulate the magic of it in my photographs, and I hope that it's worked! Everyone has a place in the world where they feel most at home that isn't home. And Amsterdam is that place for me. I may have only been three times, but each time I've been overwhelmed with happiness and joy just to be there. I am so unbelievably lucky and grateful to have been so many times. And hopefully, I will visit another 50 times before I die! 


Thank you to Nina who came with me and made this an unforgettable holiday, and thank you dear reader for being so patient for this blog to be up. I'm sorry it's a few weeks late!
Until next time,

Violet x



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