No hair? No problem!
A couple of weeks ago, I made the drastic decision to cut my hair. Like, all of it. Once my hairdresser was finished, I loved it so much that when she took the cloak off me, I welled with tears. I felt beautiful, for the first time in such a long, long time. I have always hated my hair. It is thick, and curly and I cannot do anything with it at all, except quiff it back or straighten it to death. For years and years I have longed to grow it out, way past my shoulders, and arms, so long that I could sit on it. But whenever it does get pretty lengthy (ha ha) I end up cutting it off. And then, a few months into my new short hair do, I end up regretting it. “ Why, oh why did I cut off my luscious long locks? If I'd have left it, I would have mermaid hair by now! Wah wah” (isn't hind sight a bitch! Especially when it comes to haircuts.) So. you're probably wondering now, why on earth did you do it again? Why did you go for the chop? Aren't you going to r...