Men who inspire me

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the women who inspire me. Today, I wanted to write about the men who inspire me. Men who bear their souls in their paintings, stories, music and poetry. Men who I've always admired for many years, for their talent and general being. Looking at it, I would say this is a pretty mixed bag of guys you probably wouldn't expect to read about here! None the less, here they are... ⚦ Stephen King I'm going to start off with the author who instilled in me my love of horror. At one time in my life, my mum had every single King book there was to have, and as a little girl I would sit and marvel at the creepy blurbs and cover designs. Of course I would never actually dare to read any of them, I was too scared! 👻 But he is responsible for helping to expand my wild imagination, and my eagerness to become an author myself. His style of writing is unparalleled, and I've thoroughly enjoyed almost every thing of his that I've read. My ...