How Work it Out helped me
I'd been having a really bad time leading up to Christmas. As a stay at home mum, I was beginning to question my life choices, and what other options I had instead of being a full time mum. My choices are limited anyway, as my eldest is in school and my youngest isn't old enough for free nursery hours. I'd trawled the internet ceaselessly trying to find some part time work that I could fit in with being a mum, but found nothing. Later that day, exhausted and fed up of everything, I bawled my eyes out to my best friend. And that's when she told me about the Work It Out service. She had briefly mentioned it before, telling me about her life coach and the phone calls they had where they discussed certain aspects of her life that she felt were difficult too. She explained that it was a free service, and that maybe I should look into it for some guidance and counselling. In their words; "Work It Out - Coaching is a free service for young women aged 16-30 that ...