No hair? No problem!

A couple of weeks ago, I made the drastic decision to cut my hair. Like, all of it.
Once my hairdresser was finished, I loved it so much that when she took the cloak off me, I welled with tears. I felt beautiful, for the first time in such a long, long time.
I have always hated my hair. It is thick, and curly and I cannot do anything with it at all, except quiff it back or straighten it to death.
For years and years I have longed to grow it out, way past my shoulders, and arms, so long that I could sit on it. But whenever it does get pretty lengthy (ha ha) I end up cutting it off. And then, a few months into my new short hair do, I end up regretting it.
Why, oh why did I cut off my luscious long locks? If I'd have left it, I would have mermaid hair by now! Wah wah” (isn't hind sight a bitch! Especially when it comes to haircuts.)

So. you're probably wondering now, why on earth did you do it again? Why did you go for the chop? Aren't you going to regret it for the millionth time a few weeks down the line?
And the answer to that is, this time I don't think I will.

Because this time, I have had it cut for totally different reasons than before. As a woman, I have always felt like the longer my hair is, the more beautiful I look, to myself and to others. I know, total shit right? Sad but true. There are still so many warped ideas of what makes women, and men beautiful. And I myself have come across (shallow) people who spew their opinion that women with short hair look too “butch”. Awful term in itself. But even if someone did think that my hair made me look 'butch' or 'less feminine', who the fuck cares? What's wrong with that? Just because I have short hair, I don't instantly fit into your idea of what women's beauty standards should be? Fuck you! And fuck your beauty standards!

A few things have changed within myself since having my hair cut. I know it sounds bogus but hear me out. I've started to feel a little more rebellious. I've stopped caring so much about what other people think of me when I walk down the street. I feel different. A good different. And it sounds so strange to link that with having my hair cut but the change to my confidence is so striking to my close friends, and to myself.
And I really, really love that. It makes me feel more liberated and empowered as a woman.

Without wanting to sound completely self absorbed, I honestly feel prettier and more confident than ever. Because when I look in the mirror now, I look bad ass. And more importantly, I feel bad ass.
When my hair was longer, I would spend hours and hours trying to straighten it, or make it look beautiful, or put it up in a pony tail and take it out again until I literally want to rip it out because it just isn't doing what I want it to.

Now when I do my hair, I slick some hair clay product into it, and voilà! It's done. Gone are the days of feeling 'ugly' because my hair is too frizzy, or too thick or whatever. Since having it cut off, I have stopped caring. And that is such a relief in itself.

The day before I had the chop, I was having a few niggling doubts. I knew 100 percent that I wanted it done, but I just needed a little push, a little encouragement from a fellow female who had done the same thing as me. And I came across a lovely little post by a writer named Olivia La Bianca.

She wrote:
[after listing 7 reasons why her pixie cut changed her for the better]
These are just some of the things that have happened to me since my fateful pixie cut. In a way, it sounds shallow – basing success on one’s appearance. My emphasis, however, is not on the way you look but on the way you feel. What makes you feel like you can change yourself and the world around you? For me, it was a pixie cut. For you, it might be something completely different. The key is to take that leap of faith, and not to base decisions on what culture deems to be safe and acceptable. You’ll surprise yourself, and everyone around you!”

In one blog post she encapsulated every thing that I wanted to hear. You can check it out here at:

All of this doesn't mean to say I'm never growing it out, I might do. Or in a month, I may change my mind. I might keep it short. At the moment I'm considering dying it pink (!)
But the positives I can take from it, is that it doesn't stress me out any more. It's just hair right? It'll grow back 😉

Violet x


  1. You look beautiful to me what ever you do with your hair

  2. You can carry off short hair because you have such lovely features, I'd say it makes you look younger and very fashionable. x


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