What I've been up to in Witchcraft
As you will know from my previous post, I have started dabbling within the realms of witch craft. I want to state again, that this is not an open opportunity for any of you to attack me, or question my morals or faith with regards to me working with an ancient and seriously misunderstood practice. I am a complete amateur, and am only doing this to help myself within meditation and surrounding myself with positive energies.
Now all of the slightly passive aggressive stuff is out of the way, (😉) I wanted to jot down here how I have been working Witchcraft into my every day life. I will document this with a few pictures of my personal trinkets and objects that help me with my rituals and meditation, and include my own tips that I've picked up.
I'm going to start from the very beginning. The great thing about Wicca and/or Witchcraft is that there are no set rules on how to do things. It is unique to the individual within question, and you can start any where you like. The first and most common advice I picked up on was; do your research. Learn about what it means to be a Wiccan or a Witch. And most importantly, go into the whole thing with an open mind. I didn't actively seek out Witchcraft to help me with meditation initially, that just came to me along with my journey.
The first thing I did was buy a black taper candle, and a white taper candle from my local Witchy shop. I'd already woken up that day feeling strange and different. It just so happened that the moon was in Capricorn (my star sign) and that afternoon, a storm loomed over my town and drowned it in rain. Later that day, I took the candles home with no set idea on what I was going to do with them. I decided not to think too hard about it. Once I'd got home and found some peace and quiet, I placed the candles in front of me, with my Book of Shadows (I'll get to that later) onto my glass table. I put my feet firmly onto the ground and spread my hands out in front of me, with a lit candle in front of each. I put some calming meditation music on my phone beside me. I took deep breaths in through my nose, exhaled out of my mouth and tried to banish all bad thoughts and energies from around me.
I imagined a white light full of positive energy coming up from the floor, through my feet and up my legs, eventually making its way into my body. Pretty straight forward meditation you'd say, but I felt compelled to do it and afterwards I felt completely calm and content, something I've never been able to achieve before during normal meditation.
Once I'd finished, I began to write my first entry into my book of shadows. I didn't write anything special, just stating that this was my first entry, how I'd woken up feeling very strange and unusual, and felt pulled to try meditation. At this point, I'd only been researching into Wicca and Witchcraft a couple of weeks before trying it out. So I felt like I'd got off to a good start. After that, I began to look at different ways of interpreting and mixing witch craft based tools into meditation and rituals. As stated in my last entry, I bought a pink crystal ball on Halloween. But it wasn't until a couple of days later that I actually used it. I had a couple of very lucid dreams with it by my bedside, and I was feeling weepy. Something told me that it was because of the ball, so I decided to cleanse, consecrate and charge it. It turned out that whenever you introduce a new object or tool into your rituals, the three C's are an absolute must. Here is what they mean;
Cleansing: to cleanse an object is to clean it on a spiritual level. Ways that you can do this are;
⭐Burn a cleansing incense like sage and run the object through smoke
⭐Bury it in the Earth for a while, or in a bowl of salt or dirt (soil)
⭐Soak or sprinkle with salt water
⭐Wave it over a candle flame or put into a fire
⭐Or sweep away negativity with a besom (blessed broom)
(Personally I soaked it in salt water but it still didn't feel right. So I buried it in soil in my front garden, calling upon the power of the moon to help protect it, and I left it overnight. The next morning I consecrated it and brought it back into my house. Now I love having it near me).
• Consecrating: to consecrate is to make an object sacred through some minor rite or act of blessing. Ways that you can do this are:
⭐Simply say a prayer over it and dedicate the use of the tool to your Gods (in Wicca).
⭐If you keep oils that are cleansed charged and consecrated, you can anoint an object with those oils and blessing symbols.
⭐If you work a lot with the four elements, you may wish to consecrate it by Air, Earth, Fire and Water in ritual: run it through incense smoke, sprinkle some salt onto it, pass it over a fire flame, and sprinkle some water onto it.
⭐You can consecrate anything: tools, jewellery and the ground on which you hold your rituals but do remember this: once consecrated, the item or space is sacred and should be treated as such.
• Charging: Charging something is empowering it with energy. You might just imbue it with positive energy, or charge it so its energies are aligned with some specific purpose. For example, in candle magic, you can charge the candle to align it with the purpose of the spell.
⭐Charging requires raising a bit of energy and directing it into the object. Once again the method you choose can largely depend on your preferences or on the item you're charging.
⭐Personally I have put my crystal ball out under the full moon to charge it with lunar power. I believe this worked extremely well. However, you can also do the same by leaving objects out to charge under the sun, or you can even lay your item on a healthy crystal to absorb energy.
⭐Again, the beauty of it all is that you can do this whichever ways you want. It's only for your eyes only anyway!
I have cleansed consecrated and charged newer candles that I have bought also, as well as my Amethyst necklace that I wear to keep bad energies away from me. Here is a picture of my little Witchy corner beside my bed. I like having my crystal ball and Amethyst next to me whilst I'm sleeping to protect me from bad energies and nightmares, although it's fine if you don't want to do that and prefer to keep your tools hidden.
Next I'm gonna quickly mention my book of shadows and what it is used for. A book of shadows is a witch's personal journal or diary if you will. You can document your journey through witch craft in here, including dreams, things you've learned about Wicca, or even ingredients that you wish to gather for spells or potions. A Grimoire is usually used for keeping instructions for spells and potions, but I like to mix the two together in my book of shadows. Again, it's all subjective to the person. I also write my monthly horoscopes in mine to keep track of my fluctuating mood changes. Though again, you can just write what you like in it 👻
Something that I was really struggling with a couple of weeks ago was getting shit done. I had put off so many things; housework, studying, writing a blog post and meditating. But I really just couldn't find the motivation or energy to even begin these things, so I decided to look up a spell that would banish procrastination. I waited until it was dark, and set every thing up on the floor in my bedroom. I surrounded myself with tea lights and the coloured candles I'd bought from my Witchy place. I placed my crystal ball in front of me, as well as my book of shadows with the spell written down so I could chant it whilst meditating. It went:
"There is no race but I need speed, to help me complete my task indeed. My candles burn for fire and air, my procrastination is causing despair. Never to hurt and only to please, please quicken my pace with grace and ease. So mote it be."
With every word, I poured all of my energy into the spell as I imagined myself doing these things that I wished to do. I took deep breaths again, in through my nose and out of my mouth. I sat cross legged and place my hands over my crystal ball. I said the chant again, before sitting in silence and eventually closed the circle and blew out the candles. Within 24 hours, literally everything I needed to do got done, and then some! I felt so pleased, all I truly needed was a kick up my own butt and the confidence in myself to do these things. Having that small and quiet space to myself helped me to realise that putting things off wasn't going to help me.
Other people find their own ways of banishing procrastination. Some people write lists, others talk to their counsellors or mentors. Some people confine themselves to an office and refuse to leave until they've done their work. Some people go for a run to clear their head space in preparation for something big coming their way. It's all about what helps you to manage your every day life. A lot of you reading this will probably be rolling your eyes so far into the back of your head, and thinking I'm a loon. That I don't need to be sitting in a circle of candles and chanting some meaningless crap I found on the internet when all I should have done was just pull my finger out. But it's my own personal way of coping. And it still surprises me now just how well I have taken to witch craft itself. As mentioned in my last post, this isn't about me actively seeking answers to impossible questions, nor am I a poser, or doing it for aesthetic purposes. This is genuinely something that is helping me, and which is helping my mental health. I have no intentions of ever casting spells or chants to harm others. This is my own spiritual path. Maybe in a year, I will have abandoned all this and found a different way to cope with things. No one can know that. But for now, I am enjoying every minute.
I hope you've enjoyed this post. It's not like my usual ones, and I haven't ever really done a post that has followed up with the same theme as the last. The original post I had planned for this week hasn't come to fruition yet, I'm getting there 😉
Again, thank you for reading my blog. It means the world! Sending love, light and blessings your way.
Violet x
Follow me on instagram! @VioletKingWrites
Also just wanted to credit Mackenzie Sage Wright with regards to information about the three C's. You can find her website here:
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